Jumbo Sana Canada?

08 Jun

Habari Yenu?

I am still having a blast here and I have energy for life and then some to spare. My students have now become like my children, I just love them all so much and they are constantly putting a smile on my face. Yesterday my standard 7’s took me to the river and we saw a monkey eating corn, they also went into the corn fields by the mango tree’s and picked some mangoes for the class. On our way down some of my out of control (that’s what I call them for fun) boy’s decided to swim in the river because they were hot, after all the journey there was a long one. It was amazing to take nature walks and experience apart of my beautiful Africa!

I am dedicating this blog to how people see me. It is a difficult topic but a beautiful one that I really worked hard to discover. People here see me as an African woman. I must say that is refreshing because in Toronto many people constantly assume that the majority of black people are from the Caribbean especially Jamaica. Although I love my Caribbean counterparts not everyone who is black is from there as I’m sure we would all agree. People who live here in Kenya treat me with the utmost respect and care as if I am family and they have known me their entire lives. They want me to dress in African attire, cook African foods, and they just love it that I am quickly learning both Luo and Kiswahili.

My students see me as their friend, confidant and teacher which is more than I could ever ask for. When I go away to Nairobi on the weekends they say “Sucdi, we didn’t sleep the entire weekend because you were not here”, and although it’s more flattery than truth I just love hearing them say that. So with deep research and study this is what I have come to learn about myself. That I am African, beautiful, wild at times, blunt, compassionate and most of all a great friend.

Kwaheri Canada

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Posted by on June 8, 2011 in Uncategorized


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